If you have played on the MSP USA server, it's likely you've heard of "Scream Team" - girls and boys dressed in preppy, bright outfits with pseudo-goth content. With the green zombie skin, the glowing red demon eyes and the 'scary' face item, it's hard to take them seriously unless you're younger than 10 years old. I didn't have a problem with them until recently this year. When I still had Carnival, we attempted to collab with ST. I had 500 members at the time, and due to this, was seen as 'worth the time' ... But immediately after I deleted my team due to personal issues, she stopped responding. She didn't act as a friend to me. That's not really important, though. She essentially dropped me as SOON as I lost 'value'. There are multiple key points of her personality that you will easily see if you choose to look at things objectively - She blocks people she disagrees with -
(Courtesy of @vinnyvile on Twitter)
- as shown above. Do you truly want a leader that blocks people they disagree with? Another thing - she is incredibly full of herself. She exposes at least one person a month. She's ruined the MSP careers of people that hardly did something so bad to deserve it. She practically encourages her supporters to attack critics and "haters." There is just so much about her that makes me confused as to why she's such a hot shot. For one, she's a jerk. For two, she's hardly original. You want someone that shoots down new content creators? That encourages people to stay followers and stay in line? I doubt it. I've been walking on eggshells around her for months now, and i've had it. I'm not the only one. But anyhow, her grade is an F. F for Fuck You.